
Seeking feedback on the link to

The ApologyPlus idea originated in December 2004 once I had reflected on The website is a gallery of thousands of people who have each photographed themselves with a self-written “sorry message”; the apology being one made to the world by American citizens for the November 2004 ‘offence’ of their country having re-elected the President who had taken them into war. I guess that achieved wide circulation because it was perceived by recipients as containing a poignant combination of heart, humour and all the humanity of hurt and regret in it. I was inspired to re-connect with what apology means to me and what potential it has for change, personal and public. Whereas has messages giving apologies –on behalf of others!- around one theme, I wondered if one virtual location could be created as a place where apologies were both given and received, in relation to events national, local and inter-personal.

I’m really glad to see that has now led to a site called Whilst the apologies are often not given or received in ways that I would value personally, there is a strong sense that the website(s) have provided a valued and original means of empowerment, giving voice, creating community and connection between people who may never meet yet share the same world regrets.
Please add your comments below on how you respond to the content of What you say and do next can help the development of ApologyPlus and will inevitably change your world!

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At 12:09 am, Blogger Sheilagh Gunston said...

Hi Paul,
Not yet chased up links but wanted to say I enjoyed workshop at medUK conf and it has given food for thought.
Going from the sublime to the ridiculous - I caught some of 'Super Nanny' on the box tonight and was interested in the way 'naughty' children were being expected to apologise sincerely...Seemed to link straight into issues discussed at workshop re meaningful apologies.

At 8:24 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Paul

Sheilagh sent me the link to your blog site. Thanks for setting this up and good luck with your funding applications. We would be delighted to put a piece in the Scottish Mediation Networks e-Bulletin, Collaborate available from

All the best

Ewan Malcolm
Scottish Mediation Network


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