
£50,000 bid to the ICT Hub –and how ApologyPlus will help individuals and organisations

Mediation UK today submitted a £50,000 funding bid to the “Information and Communication Technology Hub Unmet Need Fund” (part of the ‘ChangeUp’ fund for restructuring the voluntary and community sector.)

In Mediation UK's funding application it was explained that
ApologyPlus will be:
-a network of individuals and organisations helping with difficult communication at no cost to individual service users.
On line we will provide opportunity to;
- explore what you are needing
- make requests
- be heard
- reach agreements about changed behaviour
- learn and deliver mediation processes.”

The ApologyPlus project delivers:
-strategic information and communication technology innovation to mediation services and the wider voluntary sector
-an increased choice of cases for the local mediation services to choose to prioritise and which otherwise might stay hidden
-a means of access to cases (funded or pro bono) for the spare capacity out of the 2500 trained volunteer mediators and a comparable (or greater?) number of individuals trained in Nonviolent Communication.
-a cumulative database built through users’ web-clicks of their needs and strategies to get their needs met
-a healthy mediation sector and wider voluntary sector dialogue about what parts of the work can and can’t be delivered with innovative ICT.


At 6:33 pm, Blogger Sheilagh Gunston said...

Hi Paul,
Good luck with project.
As a mediator, I do, however have concerns about "at no cost to individual service users." As someone who was once an enthusiastic volunteer I wonder whether such services sell mediation short. In Wales I get very frustrated by people thinking mediation is a good idea but someone else ought to be paying...
That said, it does sound an exciting project. We've all known the cases where a simple 'Sorry' would have been welcome if only it had been delivered before all this had since happened...
Once again - Good luck.


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